Homeschooling When Mommy is under the weather

Since I'm recovering from a week of the flu (kiddoes are now healthy though! Hallelujah!) and it’s fresh on my mind, here are some tips to help with homeschooling when mommy gets sick.
  • Give yourself and your kids a lot of grace. You will be able to catch up when you’re recovered.
  • Rest as much as possible. The kids might watch too much tv and eat a few too many snacks, but again, you will be able to re-set and get everyone back on track once mommy feels better.
  • Ask for help. Whether it’s from your husband, big kids, or neighbors. People love the opportunity to serve us sometimes. Don’t let them miss out! My littles liked to take my temperature and my bigs were amazing with extra laundry duties, making meals, and one even organized our pantry while I was napping. And my Hero, well he gets another medal-of-valor for all his help last week.
  • Do as much school as you are able from the couch. Spelling tests, read-alouds, and flashcards. Remind your independent learners to stay on track and let them read more of their school work out loud to you. This will keep you all connected and still learning together!
  • Use this opportunity to pray that we (and our children) would develop more compassion to love, serve, listen to, and minister to those sick and hurting around us (and in our home.) May our hearts break for those experiencing brokenness.
"The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion." ~ Psalm 116:5
