Art Museum Date with my Savannah

I love taking my kiddoes on dates! And I love taking pictures of them (in awe that the Lord has let me be their mommy!). Looking through my camera lens gives me a glimpse of the delight God has in watching me (and YOU), His daughter, experience something I love. Something that sparks light in my soul and fills me with inspiration. Oh how He delights in His creation!

"God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. 
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day." ~ Genesis 1:31

Savannah has wanted to visit the Tampa Museum of Art for some time (not the place for her 2-year-old sister yet for sure). I also wanted to take her back to The Oxford Exchange  (where we went on her 13th birthday mommy/daughter date!) for brunch and to spend some time explore that area of downtown Tampa. It was a beautiful day and I relished watching my girl wander and savor, taking her time to study paintings and read the descriptions of the diverse artists who created them. I loved dreaming with her, walking along the ocean with her, and listening to her heart. Oh how I love my girl!

13-years-old & 16-years-old
