Nothing can “ruin” Christmas…
Thinking back on 2 decades of Christmases as a mommy, there have been several (including 2023) when children have had a flu, fever, stomach virus, or even a surgery that has kept us home from Christmas Eve candlelight service (or altered plans with family & friends).
These holy nights when my own plans have been altered, have reminded me that absolutely nothing can “ruin” Christmas, if I keep my eyes on the One we celebrate. Looking at my Savior, who put on flesh and understands my human frailty; weaknesses that come from caring for the sick and the disappointment in having plans change. Remembering Jesus’ sacrifice, is truly the greatest gift.
I get to give, love, and serve my family, because He gave 1st.
He loved 1st.
Jesus chose to lay down His life in service to me.
No, nothing can “ruin” Christmas, if we keep our eyes on the One we celebrate.⭐️
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