Could you stay 3-years-old forever?

I was going through a few pictures on my phone yesterday and realized I no longer have a baby or a toddler, but I have a 3-year-old preschooler. Oh, how quickly these days fly by. Her older siblings were just preschoolers yesterday. Yesterday.

The amount of messes my beautiful, delightful, incredibly creative preschooler makes is enough to drive me batty some days; craft supplies, make-believe clothes, stuffed animals, water-play, paint, baking soda explosions, and soap all over the bathroom sink to name a few. But the pure joy all over Cora's face reminds me to slow down and choose joy in the messes. And she is very happy to help me clean up. 

Mama's, let's not miss the miraculous everyday moments. Or the fun. Or the lessons God is teaching us by learning from our little ones, who find such wonder in everything around them!

