Prescott Family Fall Fun Night - searching for shark teeth

In America, Halloween, is a BIG holiday. The stores are chocked full candy, costumes (both innocent and horrific), and many houses in our neighborhood are decorated to resemble haunted mansions in movies. But in the Prescott household, we choose to opt out and celebrate holidays that bring joy, light, peace, and hope to our whole family. Prayerfully pointing our kids to Jesus! So, years ago I prayed about an alternative to the night of goblins and darkness. Out of that came "Prescott Family Fall Fun Night!"

Every year on October 31st, we celebrate this favorite family fall celebration with a different theme. This year I chose "Baby Shark" and we surprised the kids with little gifts that represented a getaway to Nokomis Beach, one of the best places on the Gulf Coast to find shark teeth! It was a gorgeous afternoon when we arrived and after dropping our bags off at the hotel, we headed to the beach. We brought our sand buckets and the kids quickly began to fill them up with shells and shiny black shark teeth. It was really amazing!

I loved this tranquil, quiet beach. A lot of retired couples and small groups of families swimming and walking on the shore. The opposite of a loud, packed, party beach. We spent all afternoon there and then went back to our hotel to swim in the pool! The kids were especially excited when our Hero made the water erupt from his cannonball. We played in the pool for an hour or so and then went to our room when it got dark to shower and get on pjs. We ordered pizza and each of the kids had picked out a special candy for the celebration. It was such a fun night! The only downer was that Cora started to come down with a cold that Joshua had just gotten over. It was a tough night for her all stuffed up, but she cuddled between us and was finally able to rest.

The next day started slowly with lots of sleepy morning laughter and breakfast in our hotel. Our plans for the day needed to be altered since Cora was running a fever at that point. We decided not to go back to the beach to swim, but to make a quick trip to the local shopping mall and play games in an arcade. After lunch, we headed home with thankful hearts, a sound asleep baby girl, and wanting to return to this beach again soon!
