5 tips for a great homeschool-back-to-school-week

 πŸŽ5 tips for a great homeschool-back-to-school-week:

πŸ’›1. Pray 1st (& continually)

πŸ’›2. Make God’s Word your main curriculum. “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”

πŸ’›3. Prepare - Create, plan, and write down rhythms, routines, and/or schedules that fit your family and your mommy/teacher personality. Refer to throughout your day.

πŸ’›4. Enjoy the time with your kids - Smile. Laugh. Go for a walk. Bake treats. Celebrate the honor of learning together!

πŸ’›5. Begin with the end in mind - Eternal eyes give us patience when everything feels like it’s going wrong. Eternal goals help us to love our kids with God’s love. And an eternal perspective help us to remember The Creator in all we set out to teach our children.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~ Psalm 90:12
