4 Things That Have Stayed The Same in 12 Years of Homeschooling

I always wanted to homeschool our children and couldn't wait to start buying preschool curriculum (I was one of those moms)! My heart's desire was to trust the Lord, walk by faith one day (one school year at a time). Pray as though it depends on God. Work (plan, prepare, teach) as though it depends on me. Learn alongside my sweethearts. Educate with eternity in mind.

Looking at this adorable picture of my 1st student (guinea pig), Savannah, 12 years ago, I clearly see how much has changed. I can also look back on much that has stayed the same.

Our conviction to homeschool: From the time these tiny babies were placed in our arms, My Hero and I believed strongly that the best place for our children to thrive in our nomadic military lifestyle was at home. After living in Europe for 5 years, I'm even more grateful for the freedom of school choice we have as America.

We celebrate the beginning of each school year with a "back-to-school-brownie.": I love traditions and this one has become a favorite to document our cuties as they've changed each year (we enjoy eating it, too!)

Stir up your favorite box of brownie mix. Bake. Cool. Cut in half and remove from the pan. Cut the top portion into a triangle. It really doesn't matter if you mess up (which I have) since you are going to frost it anyways. Make or buy white frosting (we like buttercream: butter, vanilla, powdered sugar, and milk to a consistency you like) and color some of the frosting brown (I use coco poweder to make it chocolate), some pink, some yellow, and one more color of your choice to write the year. Celebrate a fresh new start to learning together!

God's Word is our #1 curriculum: We rarely miss a day reading scripture or a children's Bible together. The Bible has and always will be the foundation of our children's education.

We LOVE learning together: I wouldn't change the past 12 years of home-educating our children for anything in the world! Have I been exhausted? Yes. Have I second guess curriculum, activities, and my own abilities? Yes. Have we made 180 degree changes some years? Yes. I fail daily, but His grace is sufficient. I offer the little I have (which is often times nothing) and God makes it enough. I lose my way, but the Good Shepherd always finds me (us)... The kids and I sincerely love our days together (we do not love every school subject or assignment. Ahem.), but we adore learning, reading, crafting, singing, exploring, serving, ministering, and adventuring together. Our very own one-room-school-house like my Grammy Ethel attended 70 years ago with her siblings!

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. ~ 1 Chronicles 16:11
