God is for us, Homeschool Edition

What, then, shall we say in response to these things?
 If God is for us, who can be against us? ~ Romans 8:31

We just wrapped up our last week of "official homeschooling" for 9th, 6th, 4th, and preschool! We have some math lessons and unstructured school (Bible, reading, chores, etc) throughout the summer, but since we aren't moving this year (yah!), we all need to rest, enjoy the sunshine, unhurried life, mission opportunities, and travel adventures in Germany!

Our school year started out hard. Not because of the kids, but because we made another international move, I was very pregnant with our littlest princess, and then I became very weak after delivery with a blood clot and infection. Needless to say, "mommy-teacher" was not at the top of her game. It made me thankful for the independent study habits and self-discipline my big kids already had, for read-alouds that I could do while resting and nursing our baby girl, and mostly for grace. His grace is sufficient. Always. When I can't, He can. Grace wins every time.

I was reminded over and over this school year that my kiddoes need Jesus a whole lot more than they need me. He is their teacher, sustainer, and rock. Trials change us and remind us to rest in the One who can carry every burden. What Satan may have used to hurt us, God turned into a beautiful season of growth and teamwork. I couldn't be prouder of these students of mine and thankful we serve a God who is always for us!
